de Coerência de Antonovsky em uma amostra de pacientes cardíacos Senso de coerência é o constructo chave da teoria de Antonovsky (1987, 1993) o qual.


Many translated example sentences containing "Antonovsky" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

Antonovsky legte 1987 eine Skala zur Messung des SOC vor [6], den „Orientation   Aaron Antonovsky in Health Stress and Coping 1798 (Antonovsky 1979, 1987; Shawn et al. 2007). 4. Having Aaron Antonovsky 1987. But, Aaron  (Antonovsky 1987: 19; cf.

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Five examples of salutogenic constructs which help explain such a concurrence are reviewed, namely, Antonovsky's ‘sense of coherence’, Kobasa's ‘personality hardiness’, Ben-Sira's ‘potency’, Thomas's and Colerick's ‘stamina’, and Rosenbaum's ‘learned resourcefulness’. Relationships between these constructs are discussed. between salutogenic (Antonovsky, 1979, 1984a; 1984b) and fortigenic functioning (Strümpfer, 1995), and various individual behavioural constructs as well as work performance. Strümpfer and Wissing (1998) gave a summary of such results using sense of coherence, as the most widely recognised salutogenic construct (Antonovsky, 1987). Abstract Theory About 25 years ago Aaron Antonovsky introduced the salutogenic theory to the scientific community. A. Antonovsky wrote: “I am, of course, persuaded that the salutogenic model has much cogency. We are now at a point where this persuasion must be tested by empirical research.

In his 1987 book, Unraveling the Mysteries of Health, he focused more specifically on a study of women and aging; he found that 29% of women who had survived Nazi concentration camps had positive emotional health, compared to 51% of a control group.

Salutogenes kommer från latinets salus, som betyder hälsa och från det grekiska ordet genesis som betyder ursprung eller uppkomst. A. Antonovsky wrote: “I am, of course, persuaded that the salutogenic model has much cogency.

Antonovsky 1987 salutogenese

egreppet salutogenes myntades av Aaron Antonovsky och beskriver olika faktorer som kan öka förmågan att (Citat Antonovsky, Lund 1987).

Antonovsky 1987 salutogenese

The concept of salutogenesis was first introduced by Aaron Antonovsky while he was studying the psychological impact of surviving concentration camps (Antonovsky, 1987). Antonovsky explored how some people who had experienced extremely stressful life events remained resilient and positive about their lives. Antonovsky asked ‘what creates health?’ and began to form a new theoretical framework … Antonovsky (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987) established that salutogenesis focuses on the origins of health. Initially, it was a stress resource-oriented concept that focused on resources, and maintained and improved the movement toward health, explaining why some people stayed well in spite of stressful situations and hardships ( Antonovsky, 1987 ; Mittelmark et al. , 2017a ). Das Salutogenese-Konzept von Aaron Antonovsky hat auch im deutschsprachigen Raum immer mehr Verbreitung gefunden. Deshalb war es höchste Zeit, daß sein berühmtes Hauptwerk endlich auch in deutscher Übersetzung zugänglich wurde, damit es auf einer breiteren Basis rezipiert und weiterentwickelt werden kann.

He asserts that the focus for too long has been solely on illness and the treatment of specific disease, with little or no attention directed at the factors and conditions necessary for health. Aaron Antonovsky (født 19.
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Antonovsky 1987 salutogenese

Detta kan vara möjligt även om man har en Aaron Antonovsky framliden professor i medicinsk antropologi, utvecklade det salu-.

Kohärenzgefühl - globale Orientierung - Gefühl des Vertrauens - Anforderungen als Herausforderungen, die Investionen benötigen starke Ausprägung: - Flexibilität - spezifische, situationsadäquate Ressourcen werden wirksam Resilienz: psychische / physische Stärke Krisen zu Se hela listan på Search result for Aaron Antonovsky: Das Modell Der Salutogenese Von Aaron Antonovsky(9783656734536), Health and Health Care in Israel(9780887383083), Aaron Antonovsky(9780887388248), Das Salutogenesemodell nach Aaron Antonovsky(9783668401624), Unraveling the Mystery of Health(9783656517986), How do elderly people adapt to and accept nursing technology?(9783638849494), etc books - Free Antonovsky interessede sig for, hvordan man flytter fokus fra det patogenetiske (sygdom) til det salutogenetiske (sundhed).
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Antonovsky, H., Hankin, Y. & Stone D. (1987) Patterns of Drinking in a Small Development Town in Israel. British Journal of Addiction, 82, 293-303. Antonovsky 

Stellenwert und Nutzung fur die Pravention und Rehabilitation hos  projektet Alla ombord! det salutogena museet hade inte varit så tade begreppet salutogenes som på svenska benämns (Citat Antonovsky, Lund 1987). b.

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av C Persson · 2015 · Citerat av 1 — digmskifte i och med att Antonovsky (1987) lanserade konceptet Sense of Begreppet salutogent härstammar från salutogenes, saluto = faktorer som leder.

Jossey-Bass. Den salutogena frågan från Aaron Antonovsky är: "Hur kan denna person I sin bok från 1987, Unraveling the Mysteries of Health , fokuserade  Salutogenes har sitt ursprung i Aaron Antonovskys forskning om hälsans Antonovsky, Aaron, ”Hälsans mysterium”,1987, nytryck 2005, Natur och Kultur är 19 sep Salutogenes betyder hälsans ursprung och är hämtat från latinets Antonovsky, Aaron, Hälsans mysterium,1987, nytryck 2005, Natur och Kultur är  Aron Antonovsky har i ”Hälsans mysterium” (1987) beskrivit vad som får vissa Han har varit med och skapat tänkandet kring Salutogenes, hälsans ursprung. av L Petterson — Salutogenes och KASAM . TEORIN OM DET salutogena tanke- och arbetssättet ut- vecklades av Antonovsky (1987). Salutogenes kommer från det latinska  Antonovskys salutogena teori samt psykosocialt stöd, eftersom dessa på ett Antonovsky (1987) menar att det salutogenetiska synsättet kan  forskning kring sådana salutogena orsaksfakto- rer hos äldre. hälsofältsmodell. Aaron Antonovsky myntade begreppet saluto- Jossey-Bass, 1987.

Antonovsky’s model mainly finds application in the areas of psychosomatics, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, but also in health promotion and preventive medicine. 7 Nowadays, many people use the term salutogenesis incorrectly and in a way that is not exactly in accordance with Antonovsky’s concept. 8

Begreppet salutogenes har under senare år blivit populärt inom äldreomsorgen. människors kasam utvecklade Antonovsky 44 f.; Antonovsky 1987, s. 22). av L Ejlertsson · Citerat av 1 — lutogenes, vilket myntades av Antonovsky (Antonovsky 1987), tar sin utgångspunkt i det friska och de resurser hos människor och miljöer som kan leda till en  av K Haraldsson · 2009 · Citerat av 8 — Stress är en naturlig del av livet (Antonovsky 1987) men också ett omfattande det salutogena perspektivet i health promotion genom att se hälsofrämjande.

of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well (JOSSEY BASS SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SERIES). by Aaron Antonovsky | Feb 27, 1987. Salutogenese. German Edition | by Aaron Antonovsky | Jan 31, 1997.